Why Tarzan Is the Best Disney Movie

6 Reasons Why Tarzan Will Forever Be The Greatest Disney Movie
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6 Reasons Why Tarzan Will Forever Be The Greatest Disney Movie

Jan 27, 2016

The crush I had on Tarzan when I first saw him at age four has yet to go away. When "Tarzan" was first released in theaters, I went on my first father-daughter date to see the movie. I was carried out of the theater in tears.To this day, I am unsure if it was because I was madly in love with Tarzan and he chose Jane over me, or if it was because I was going home with my dad instead of a family of gorillas.

"Tarzan" may not have received the recognition it deserved in the past, but it will forever be the greatest Disney animated movie. Here are six reasons why.

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1. Tarzan is hot AF and beats out any prince charming.

Does Prince Eric get to walk around in his underwear and be shirtless all day long? I don't think so.Tarzan is super manly and kills it swinging from those tree vines. He also has a rockin' bod. Have you seen those abs? Plus, he is so romantic. I am still waiting for my Tarzan to sit in a tree with me and gaze into my eyes.

2. Phil Collins killed the soundtrack game.

Do you still listen to the "Cinderella" soundtrack while driving around with the windows down? I didn't think so. Let's talk about "You'll Be In My Heart" and "Stranger Like Me." You definitely know the words to these songs without even realize it. No shame in saying that I am listening to the soundtrack right now. Who am I kidding? I've been singing these songs since I was three.

3. The plot has a hidden meaning about the importance of education.

When you look into the deeper meaning of the plot, you see that Jane shows Tarzan how important education is. Jane traveled and explored the world to learn not only more about the wild, but about civilization as well. Yes, there is the message of love, family and never forgetting where you came from, but without education and exploration, Tarzan and Jane would not have ended up together.

4. The movie explains the importance of never forgetting where you came from.

Tarzan will forever be a vine-swinging, uncivilized human being. However, in the end when he falls for Jane and realizes they are from the same species (shocker, right), he remembers that Kala and his gorilla family raised him. He may be a man now, but he will always have part of the wild in him. As we change throughout our lifetime and achieve our goals, it is always important to remember where we came from.

5. The movie quotes just speak to the heart.

Put your faith in what you most believe in.
Trust your heart, let faith decide.
The dream is gone, but then there is hope.

Not only are these quotes Twitter-worthy, but they really do speak to the heart and are super meaningful. They also would make a great Insta caption (just saying).

6. The characters are relatable and fun.

There is a character who is relatable for everyone. Whether you are the gorgeous, brilliant Jane, or the neurotic Tantor always worrying about something, the characters make the film that much better.

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Why Tarzan Is the Best Disney Movie

Source: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/six-reasons-why-tarzan-will-forever-the-greatest-disney-movie

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